The Avatar Collection tells the story of the world of Pandora, inhabited by the indigenous humanoids, the Na'vi. The main protagonist, Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), is sent to Pandora as an avatar ...
According to a report from THR, Avatar: The Way of Water story writer Josh Friedman will write the Fantastic Four's first entry in the MCU. The writer's other credits include the War of the Worlds ...
The Avatar Collection tells the story of the world of Pandora, inhabited by the indigenous humanoids, the Na'vi. The main protagonist, Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), is sent to Pandora as an avatar ...
Weta FX team members Richard Baneham, Joe Letteri, Eric Saindon, and Daniel Barrett accepted the Oscar Sunday night for their groundbreaking work on Avatar: The Way of Water. The Way of Water ...
Avatar: The Way Of Water has made $1bn (£831m ... The director, whose other credits include Terminator, Titanic and The Abyss, has admitted that his plans will be dictated by the films ...