Based on previous reports, the new iX3 will be built at BMW's new factory in Debrecen, Hungary. When this supposed ...
Just over a year later, the first of BMW's Neue Klasse test vehicles, the X SUV, rolled off the production line at the automaker’s facility in Debrecen, Hungary, signaling the start of the final ...
Lapunk információi szerint az autóiparban érezhetÅ‘ bizonytalanság miatt változott a menetrend a debreceni BMW-nél. Az eredetileg tervezett három helyett csak két modell-sorozat gyártása lehet biztos a ...
BMW has started pre-production of its iX3-replacing ... factories around the world to build Neue Klasse vehicles, one of which is in Debrecen, Hungary. This brand-new plant has already started ...
In 2025, BMW will also introduce the system at its Regensburg and Oxford production facilities. Its new plant in Debrecen, Hungary, will also use the technology when it begins series production.
The new BMW iX3 is expected to be one of the first BMWs where range anxiety takes a back seat. While production in the brand-new iFactory in Debrecen, Hungary, has now fundamentally is started ...
és a leányvállalatai. A cégcsoport Debrecen városa és a BMW Group megbízásából 2019 tavasza óta nyolc projekt keretében négy épület kivitelezését végezte el - közölte a vállalat. A debreceni BMW-gyár ...
Near-series production prototypes of the Neue Klasse SUV are now being built in Hungary. BMW plans to begin full-scale series production of the compact premium model by late 2025. The iX3 SUV will ...