Several other burial cairns in the Jebel Qurma area, unfortunately all plundered and as yet undated, contained camel bones in ...
Cairn K -- Part of a 5000 years-old Passage Tomb Complex at Carrowkeel in County Sligo in the north-west of Ireland. This site is one of the most impressive Neolithic ritual landscapes in Europe ...
This carved stone, although found in a burial cairn in Kilmartin Glen, probably long predates its use as a grave marker. It is decorated with circles characteristic of the cup and ring markings ...
Rock art and standing stones are common in western Argyll valley, while a ‘linear cemetery’ of five burial cairns, each with a central chamber, stretches for over a kilometre. Things have slowed down ...
The man accused of murdering 24-year-old Cairns woman Toyah Cordingley likely contributed to DNA on a stick found at her ...