How do you figure out what motivates your potential customers to purchase? By creating buyer personas. Buyer personas can be a huge boon to your business—as long as you know what information to ...
Es un modelo semificticio de tu cliente ideal, basado en estudios de mercado y datos reales sobre tus clientes actuales. Construir un buyer persona implica recopilar información detallada sobre los ...
For companies in the pharma sector struggling to become more 'patient-centric' and 'customer-centric' on social media, the creation of buyer personas can be transformative in helping to outline ...
Whoever does the best job of instilling that trust in the buyer usually wins the business. Personas are not mere theoretical constructs of potential buyers or roles; rather, they provide a ...
los problemas de su buyer persona y el punto en el que se encuentra su modelo de negocio o empresa; ¿por qué? esto me lleva al segundo punto: Confianza: Cuando conoces a tu buyer persona ...