On a cold February night, a young man is found unconscious at the wheel of a crashed vehicle in Montana not far from the Canadian border and a lump of weapons-grade Uranium is recovered from the ...
Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is having a tough time with his relatives (yet again). He runs away after using magic to inflate Uncle Vernon's (Richard Griffiths') sister Marge (Pam Ferris), who ...
The Serpent star Tahar Rahim and Boiling Point’s Izuka Hoyle are leading Prisoner, the Sky thriller series from Matt Charman. The pair are joined by Eddie Marsan (Back to Black, The Thief ...
few things warm my heart more than seeing sweet BTS footage of the cast. Now, after checking out Tom Felton and Matthew Lewis messing around on the set of Prisoner of Azkaban, I'm imagining the ...
1913 Movie"A wonderful film in four reels which features THE COUNTESS DE MARSTINI, the greatest woman animal trainer, who adopted her vocation as a result of a wild animal hunt in Africa" ...
The Harry Potter films are a fantasy series based on the series of seven Harry Potter novels by British writer J. K. Rowling.