Watch this clip from the BBC Wales Nature blog to find out if you can tell the difference between a toad and a frog. Generally, common toads (Bufo bufo) are widespread in mainland Britain.
Two species of frog and two toads are native to the UK. So-called common frogs (Rana temporaria) and common toads (Bufo bufo) are widespread and often spotted in gardens. But sightings of these ...
There are seven types of amphibian found here in the UK. Amongst these is the common toad. It's slightly bigger than a frog but has shorter legs and prefers to crawl instead of hop. In the summer ...
The Natterjack toad can be distinguished from the common toad by its paler colour ... Further information can be found on the ...
The Wildlife Trust Fund explained that common toads are found all over the UK: ‘ Toads are famous for their mass migrations back to their breeding ponds on the first warm, damp evenings of the ...
One of the most common amphibians in its primary range, oriental fire-bellied toads thrive in northeastern China, Korea, southern Japan, and southern parts of Russia. They are highly aquatic and ...
Keep up to date with all the latest local news from Northumberland with our free newsletter Common toads are thought to be declining in the UK, in some cases caused by the effect of road traffic ...