Cyberphobia is an extreme fear of computers. Someone with cyberphobia has an intense fear of using a computer or being around computers. They may avoid going to places, such as an office or ...
The Plumb Memorial Library at 65 Wooster St. will be offering a special computer class on Tuesday, April 22nd at 2:00 pm. The ...
You probably at least saw the famous book by Ahl, titled BASIC Computer Games or 101 BASIC Computer Games. The book, published in 1973 by [David Ahl] was a staple in its day and the first computer ...
TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) - If new technology has you scratching your head, the Topeka and Shawnee Co. Public Library might be able to help make sense of it. Their “Level Up” sessions provide basic ...
(Bloomberg) -- Thomas E. Kurtz, a Dartmouth College professor who co-created the novice-friendly computer code known as Basic ...
Their “Level Up” sessions provide basic computer skills. Core technology librarian Meg Porteous visited Eye on NE Kansas to share information about the free classes. Meg said the classes aim ...