Three young orphaned mountain lion cubs are recovering well after their recent rescue.  The Oakland Zoo (@oaklandzoo) ...
Fern, Thistle and Spruce were found by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) in Portola Valley in San Mateo County less than half a mile from where a female lion was hit by a car ...
The zoo said in a statement CDFW believes the cubs’ mother was the same female lion hit by a car on Portola Valley Road about 0.3 miles from where Fern, Thistle and Spruce were found.
Portola Valley residents discovered the 3-month-old cubs — named Fern, Thistle and Spruce — and called wildlife officials, who later found them hiding under a car and took them about 40 miles ...
The veterinary staff determined that the three cubs — one female cub named Fern and two male cubs named Thistle and Spruce — were about three months old. Upon their arrival at the zoo hospital, the ...