Don’t prune the forsythia until the flowers have faded and new leaves have appeared on the branches. If you prune before leaves appear, you can damage the plant. Related: 7 of the Worst Mistakes ...
Native to China, these hardy shrubs can grow from 8 to 10 feet tall ... The blooms typically last about two weeks, then the forsythia leaf out, producing bright green foliage to add interest ...
Forsythia was once a common sight in gardens. It is time for this shrub to make a comeback, writes Paul Maher.
Before the cuttings had the chance to dry out, I would dip the lower inch of each stem in a shallow dish of water and then ...
Some favorite plants for forcing are forsythia, redbud ... (Flower buds are typically fatter than the smaller, pointed leaf buds. If you’re not sure what type of buds you are looking at ...
Like clockwork, roots would appear on the bottom of each cutting, sometimes just three weeks after planting. By the end of summer, even the sluggish varieties had roots.