Veteran hunter Troy Landry juggles two major responsibilities filling his gator tags and officiating Cheyenne ‘Pickle’ Wheat’s wedding. With the swamp teeming with hungry alligators due to ...
Veteran hunter Troy Landry and deckhand Pickle Wheat took a calculated risk hunting in sugarcane fields. The pair have to hunt and kill gators before the upcoming bad weather ruins their season.
In Season 16, Episode 8 of Swamp People, Cheyenne “Pickle” Wheat and Joshua Kippes tie the knot.In the episode “Gators, Guns, and A Wedding,” which aired on February 20, an unforgettable ...
Veteran hunter Troy Landry juggles two major responsibilities filling his gator tags and officiating Cheyenne ‘Pickle’ Wheat’s wedding. With the swamp teeming with hungry alligators due to ...