A: Your wife is correct here. Under ordinary circumstances, the Church does not allow non-Catholics to receive Holy Communion ...
Receiving the sacred host on our tongue ensures that we do not treat Christ’s presence as an ordinary piece of bread. Reception of holy Communion on the tongue has been a tradition of the Church ...
The Holy Eucharist is a Sacrament when we receive it in Holy Communion ... It is a sacrifice when it is offered up at Mass by the separate Consecration of the bread and wine, which signifies ...
Holy Communion is so important we have to go to classes before we're allowed to take it. And who will then live within us when we receive the bread of life? Jesus. It will be Jesus. NATHAN ...
During the service of Mass, prayers are said ... children are allowed to have bread in church for the first time. It is unusual for children receiving Holy Communion to be offered wine.
“First, that bread made with wheat and the fermented juice of the grape are the elements to be consecrated in holy communion; and second, that receiving holy communion in one kind in a case of n ...