This is the cult of Taiyozoku, the “Sun Tribers,” the flaming youth of modern Japan. Red Hair & Crew Cuts. In Ishihara’s first novel, Taiyo-no-Kisetsu (Season of the Sun), boys and girls ...
"no-one in Japan uses the rising sun flag for any purpose other than romanticising and rewriting the horrible human rights abuses committed under the Japanese empire," argues Koichi Nakano ...
Japan organized the purchase and mobilization of its own Tiger Tank - the first, they hoped, of many that would save the war for the Empire of the Rising Sun. I've been on 50 cruises. Here are 5 ...
Known as the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan's civilization dates as far back as 30,000 years. Today, the archipelago seamlessly blends its rich history with its ultra-modern present. And while its ...