These images are of the 'Mandelbrot' sets for polynomials z d + c for various d (for d=2 we have the Mandelbrot set). These images were drawn with the XAOS software. This software will also compute ...
I’m about to set up one for a 1280×1024, 255 deep Mandelbrot, with the expectation of getting 60Hz frames so you can smoothly drive it around. This is as a demo for a group I’m working with.
The image of the Mandelbrot set is one of the most recognizable representations of a fractal. But what's behind the entrancing picture? In this interactive, learn a bit about how we generated our ...
The Mandelbrot set is — when visualized with some colors — an interesting shape with infinite detail. While the patterns are immediately obvious to the human eye, anyone who’s run one can ...