There were once millions of bison roaming freely across North America ... that form stampedes when running from a predator, American bison stampede when they perceive a threat.
On Monday, photographer Jeff Vanuga shared an image showing the aftermath of a bison stampede that caused panic among tourists who had been away from their vehicles observing a wolf kill.
The earliest people who lived in North America shared the landscape ... Maybe a herd of giant bison would stampede past. All ...
This is the beginning of a reintroduction program that will repatriate bison to territories across the U.S.,' said Director ...
Around 150 years ago, the North American bison neraly went extinct due to the efforts of the colonists. But last week, the Senate and the House came together to make the bison the US national mammal.
On Monday, photographer Jeff Vanuga shared an image showing the aftermath of a bison stampede that caused panic among tourists who had been away from their vehicles observing a wolf kill. Vanuga ...