There are pre-emergent herbicides for every yard type — be it for your grass, your flower garden, or specific weed species.
You might be scratching your head, wondering if you can cut a corner or two when trying to get rid of weeds. This might mean ...
PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE: Quali-Pro's Prodiamine 65 WDG provides pre-emergent grass and broadleaf weed control. Flexible application allows for both spring and fall use providing season long ...
SELECTIVE PRE- AND POST-EMERGENT CONTROL ... from emerging while precisely targeting existing weeds, leaving your lawn and desired grass unharmed. EASY TO MEASURE AND POUR: No more lost syringes.
For both kinds of grasses, consider dosing with pre-emergent herbicide just before the grass really gets going (to keep the weeds from coming back up in the spring), and again with post-emergent ...
Pre-emergent weed killers prevent weed seeds ... while others are better suited for grassy weeds. Be sure to choose a product that targets the types of weeds you’re dealing with.
Don't apply before the grass is actively growing again. Weed and feed is a two-in-one product that both kills weeds and feeds the lawn. There are two main types of weed and feed: pre-emergent ...
Basket grass is also known as woodsgrass and wavyleaf basketgrass. Whatever! I’m a big supporter of fertilizing, timing your application of pre-emergent and choking out weeds. Not this one.