B rining your turkey in salty water can make it juicier and tastier—but brining the bird in the continent's biggest saltwater lake isn't a great idea. In a Facebook post, the Great Salt Lake ...
Video. Heavy snowfall in Turkey blanketed forests and mountains in white, while freezing temperatures in Van province led to ...
Florida Power & Light, which has operated the plant’s twin nuclear reactors for more than a half-century, has been on a ten-year timeline to clean up the pollution. At the halfway point, it’s now ...
A giant plume of super salty water has been lurking underneath the Turkey Point power plant for years, tainting the surrounding groundwater along the coast of south Miami-Dade County. Florida ...
An aerial view of the cooling canal system at the Turkey Point nuclear power plant in Homestead, Florida on February 23, 2023. Alex Harris aharris@miamiherald.com A giant plume of super salty ...