Attack on Titan is one of the greatest shonen anime ever made, featuring one of the best stories in this medium that tackles ...
Hajime Isayama became so obsessed with a hefty figurine of the Colossal Titan that he changed his own design in Attack on ...
The new commercial takes scenes from the third season of the anime adaptation, specifically when it comes to the Scouts taking on the Colossal Titan ... being aired on the small screen.
Midway through the trailer, fans are treated to an intense action sequence where a short, sharp-toothed Titan can be seen ripping into its brethren. The beady-eyed creature has long hair and talon ...
As per The Hollywood Reporter, Crunchyroll is gearing up to release the finale of Attack on Titan in North American theatres, over a year after the famed anime series bid adieu. And just like that ...