Irmgard Furchner — who was a secretary to Paul-Werner Hoppe, the SS commander of the Nazi German concentration camp Stutthof outside Danzig, now Gdansk in Poland — was convicted in 2022 as an ...
A former secretary at the Stutthof concentration camp, Irmgard Furchner left her nursing home in a taxi and failed to appear on time in court. (JTA) — Police in Germany arrested a 96-year-old ...
The German Federal Court upheld a 99-year-old woman's conviction for accessory to murder over her role as a typist at a Nazi concentration camp in the last two years of World War Two. In 2022 ...
Furchner was accused of being part of the apparatus that helped the camp, Stutthof, near Danzig, now the Polish city of ...
His wife’s family are descendants of Holocaust survivors, and his grandfather was a prisoner at the Stutthof concentration camp. Kwiatkowski is an outspoken antifascist, and he’s devoted his ...
Aussage im Stutthof-Prozess KZ-Überlebende beschreibt Ankunft im Lager 14.12.2021, 20:01 Uhr Irmgard F. wird Beihilfe zum Mord in mehr als 11.000 Fällen vorgeworfen.
"Stutthof war die Hölle", sagte Risa Silbert in ihrer Aussage. Sie ist Zeugin und Nebenklägerin, per Video am Morgen zugeschaltet aus Australien. Auf der Anklagebank sitzt die 97 Jahre alte ...
Ein Holocaustprozess im 21. Jahrhundert und die späte Suche nach Gerechtigkeit.