Three supervolcanoes that are more dangerous than Yellowstone and could wipe out the entire planet. Earth is hiding the ...
Just because you're taking a bathroom break, doesn't mean you can't also be treated to stunning views of the world's largest ...
The biggest volcanic eruption in the last 2 million years occurred some 74,000 years ago when Mount Toba, a supervolcano in Indonesia, blew its top, spewing massive volumes of rocks and ash across the ...
Microscopic shards of glass that rained down from an ancient supervolcano eruption reveal how early modern humans adapted to dramatic climate change, according to a new study of a prehistoric site ...
When Toba erupted 74,000 years ago, winds blew ash all the way to India. So if all the supervolcanoes go off at once, volcanic debris would spread across the globe. When the eruption ends ...
in the lowlands of northwest Ethiopia revealed a population of humans at 74,000 years ago that survived the eruption of the Toba supervolcano. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible ...
You could see what the world was like when ice sheets a thousand feet thick blanketed Canada and northern Europe, or when the Indonesian volcano Toba blew its top in the largest volcanic eruption ...
Photo: Ekho Budi Utomo/Shutterstock Imagine trekking through savannah fields and sandy terrain to the peak of the second-highest volcano in Indonesia, Mount Rinjani in Lombok. Or picture waking up to ...