Dry, irritated, and itchy skin, which can occur when you have a condition like atopic dermatitis (or eczema), which causes dry, itchy skin patches, may benefit from treatment with turmeric soap.
A final boon? Turmeric may be one secret to better skin. It has been shown to alleviate acne and eczema. All that sounds pretty good, right? The problem is, your body doesn’t absorb turmeric ...
Turmeric, the bright yellow spice commonly found in your kitchen, is not just for spicing up your curry. It’s a powerhouse ...
“More and more doctors are putting turmeric in their repertoire to help treat ulcerative colitis,” says Linda Antinoro, RD, a registered dietitian at Pesto Health who works with people with IB ...
We’ve known for some time that many chronic conditions are exacerbated by excess sodium intake. A new study links overuse of salt to psoriasis, a a condition in which skin cells build up and form ...
Turmeric is a rather unassuming root that you ... is associated with risks of depression and anxiety, asthma and eczema, and cancer. DNA methylation analysis The activity of the SLC6A15 gene ...
it reduces redness and swelling in conditions like acne and eczema, providing noticeable relief. Fights acne: With its strong antimicrobial activity, turmeric combats acne-causing bacteria and ...
Discover Ayurveda-approved home remedies like aloe vera, turmeric, and coconut oil to keep your child’s skin soft, nourished, ...
Parents, take note! These 5 natural ingredients are a must for your child to say goodbye to dry and irritated skin.