Early illustration of two narwhals, or sea unicorns by E Cuvier ... They were often collected by Inuit and traded to gullible Europeans as actual unicorn horn, It’s possible that the spiral shape ...
With a fabled ability to purify tainted water or heal ailments, the narwhal's spiraling tusk was highly coveted during the ...
seafarers brought these tusks home and passed them off as unicorn horns. "It almost seems like it was the strongest proof ...
Aerial videos showed the Arctic whales swinging their “horns ... shown two species that don’t regularly interact investigating one another, as little evidence implies that narwhals normally ...
Primarily seen in male narwhals, these single elongated teeth that can grow up to 10 feet. These gregarious whales typically travel in pods of two to 10 individuals, but are a bit elusive and ...
What has one horn, two crewmates and shares a name with its ride into orbit? "Calypso," the plush sequined narwhal that is flying with NASA astronauts Barry "Butch" Wilmore and Sunita "Suni ...
This dietary reshuffling — which may or may not be a problem for the narwhal — could collide with rising mercury levels, which are a problem for any animal. These two threats could turn out to ...
The long, spiral tusks of narwhals could be used by these Arctic ... seafarers brought these tusks home and passed them off as unicorn horns. "It almost seems like it was the strongest proof ...
Intriguing video of narwhals using their tusks to mess with fish has scientists speculating about what this behavior might mean. The long, spiral tusks of narwhals could be used by these Arctic ...