The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences does not utilize the waitlist functionality found in Caesar. Instead, we handle waitlist requests internally. Instructions for ...
In order to be confirmed on the Waitlist, an individual must: submit an interest form with current contact information ("Interest Form"), complete an identification verification process as directed by ...
In the meantime, if you’d like to keep us informed about any updates to your candidacy, please share them through the Waitlist Update Form. These could include changes to where Kellogg sits in your ...
After you look the course up by term, Subject Area and Catalog Nbr, you will go to the section you wish to add the Wait list to and click on the Enrollment Control Tab. Two fields must be updated in ...
The CAESAR waitlist feature is available for select classes in departments and schools throughout the University. Students may add up to two classes to their waiting list. Select related class section ...
Advocates say the state wont invite new people off the waitlist until previous invitations have been declined or rescinded.
How to add yourself to a waitlist: If the class you are trying to register for is full, and has an open waitlist, you can log into BlazerNET, and select: STUDENT > REGISTRATION > ADD OR DROP CLASSES > ...