232 hurch Street, East Alton, IL 62024 Phone (618) 259-1185 E-Mail: zoning @eastaltonvillage.org Miscellaneous Permit Application PROPERTY LOCATION INFORMATION ... East Alton, Illinois regulating Zoning and uilding onstruction and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the
I agree to conform to the Ordinances of the Village of East Alton. I have received a copy of the Application Guide for Occupancy Permit and Occupancy Permit Program Guide.
VILLAGE OF EAST ALTON UILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT 232 hurch Street, East Alton, IL 62024 Phone (618) 259-1185 E-Mail: zoning@eastaltonvillage.org Pool Permit Application PROPERTY LOCATION INFORMATION STREET ADDRESS: Residential ommercial PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION NAME: PHONE: ...
Village of East Alton. 1-18-5: FUTURE DECLARATION OF UNCONSTITUTIONALITY OF STATE GIFT BAN ACT A. In the event the Illinois Supreme Court declares the State Gift Ban Act (5 ILCS 425/1 et seq.) unconstitutional in its entirety, then this Ordinance shall be repealed as of the
Created Date: 3/27/2013 12:47:00 PM