Picture of goku in all forms : r/dbz - Reddit
Oct 26, 2015 · It was most famously used by future Trunks against Cell, but here's a picture of Goku using it. The basic idea is that it's a bulkier, more muscular version of Super Saiyan that sacrifices speed for raw power, a kind of immature SS2.
Some Very Cool Art of Goku and the Big 3! I picture them ... - Reddit
Gesr 5 has a stamina issue, and Goku literally can do things like ki sealing, beams, moves like Roshi you note below. And he could still punch Luffy around literally continents like a pingpong ball until he wears him out. Hell Goku has experience with fighters like Botamo who literally can’t be hurt by physical damage and found ways to win.
Pictures of Goku being super happy! : r/dbz - Reddit
Jul 11, 2015 · 16 votes, 10 comments. Hey guys, kind of a weird request here... I recently started drawing a lot and I love drawing super happy Goku.
What's up with these hidden goku memes?! Where did this start?
Aug 7, 2021 · This joke on Reddit within ATLEAST the anime/manga community on the Reddit forums has some red circle around something generally unimportant to divert your eyes and then Goku has randomly hidden (or not, still hard to find since he is so out of place) somewhere in the photo. I don't know why this is a thing can someone please explain.
What versions of Batman can beat Goku in a martial arts fight
May 8, 2023 · Unique. i believe they would be very even. Goku has been training his whole life, but batman pretty much has done the same. I would ultimately give goku the edge for 2 reasons. 1: better/more numerous teachers, and a higher focus on martial arts in general. Goku has been taught by the best of the best, roshi, gohan, kami, king kai, and even whis.
SSJBE Kaioken Vegeta vs UI Goku (DBS) : r/whowouldwin - Reddit
Nov 5, 2018 · Jiren is at least many times stronger than both kiaoken x20 ssb goku (no strain) and vegeta blue evolution, which are both comparable on strength from what we’ve seen. They didn’t do much to jiren. Then ui goku was putting a real challenge against jiren. So don’t think vegeta with ssbekkx20 does much against ui except for survive a little
Does anyone know where this picture of Kid Goku is from? : r/dbz
This ripped outfit is after Piccolo Daimao fight, and before the ellipse to the 23rd Tenka Ichi Budokai, where Goku grew up. Basically, it's the few episodes where Goku trains with Mr Popo. Reply reply
New pictures of you know who (SPOILER) : r/dbz - Reddit
Jun 9, 2016 · 63 votes, 40 comments. Hello guys! Here are some Black Goku pictures where you can see his outfit and a 3D model of his face, thanks to…
Loved these panels with Vegeta and Goku! : r/Dragonballsuper
May 19, 2022 · Working together for example is the tournament of power anime when Goku 17 and Freiza fought Jiren This chapter is literally just Goku and Vegeta fighting at the same time. Also they worked out their differences all the way back in Z. Dbs isn't like that
Family trees of Goku, Vegeta, Krillin and Piccolo. : r/dbz - Reddit
521 votes, 93 comments. Goku's family tree Vegeta's family tree Krillin's family tree Piccolo's family tree