what time is best for 10M | RadioReference.com Forums
Aug 29, 2013 · 10 Meters can be sporadic, but best opportunities for band openings is during the daylight hours. 10 Meters is highly effected by the sunspot cycle, so conditions on 10 meters will start to decrease in the next few years as this sunspot cycle winds down. More info on HF band conditions and when they are most active is here:
Can you use FM in 10 Meter? Does anyone?
Aug 21, 2018 · By Band Plan and by long standing convention FMn is used in the top section of the band, from about 29.52 to 29.7 MHz. However, I don’t think there is any regulation that prevents you from using FMn on any portion of the 10 meter band where voice is authorized (except for Techs and Novices, they are limited to SSB in their allowed voice ...
tech class and 10 meter band | RadioReference.com Forums
Jul 9, 2011 · While it may not be illegal for a general and above operator to run AM from 28.3-29.0, the ham in question will no doubt eventually be known far and wide as an inconsiderate operator for not following the band plan at the very least. …
Getting my modified 10 meter radio to work on 11 meters.
Mar 20, 2024 · One of those FCC rules is that transmitters must have an FCC equipment authorization for Citizens Band (FCC Part 95D). Most radios sold for use on the 10 meter amateur radio band do not have FCC equipment authorization for Citizens Band and, therefore, it would be an FCC rule violation to transmit with that radio on Citizens Band.
Does anyone make a 10 meter single SSB radio and a 6 meter radio?
Jan 29, 2017 · Hey 30054.. A Six and Ten metre side band transceiver… I have the perfect one. . Its an Icom 575A ; an All Mode radio that covers 26-56 Mhz*; it is the 10 Watt version of its higher powered sister ( ) the 575H (100 Watts.)
Is 10 meters usable - RadioReference.com Forums
Aug 1, 2015 · in the 10 meter band for phone: 28.300-28.500 MHz: CW, Phone--Maximum power 200 watts PEP Working the 10 meters depends largely on the propagation at the time. Similar to the CB (11 meters) band. On the 80 meters you have: 3.525-3.600 MHz: CW Only, NO phone. And no privileges on 20.
10 meters vs 11 meter band activity - RadioReference.com Forums
May 5, 2014 · I was scanning around the 10 and 11 meter band on my drake r8b and interestingly enough the 11 meter illegal band ie 27.405 to 27.9 seems much much more active than 10 meters. Not only that but the people working 11 sound much more professional than the 75 meter operators. Why is the 10 meter band not used as much for ham radio operations.
10 Meter Ham Listening? - RadioReference.com Forums
Oct 24, 2007 · The 10 meter band (28 to 29.7 MHZ) is covered by some scanners, but these scanners probably can only hear those signals using FM (Frequency Modulation). Most FM usage on 10 meters is usually found around 29.5 to 29.7 MHZ.
10 meter band wide open - RadioReference.com Forums
Oct 25, 2024 · Just checked the 10-meter band it's very busy right now. Saint . Attachments. 10 METER 2024-11-02 132101.png.
ANTRON 99, SWR, 10 METER adjustment - RadioReference.com …
Oct 19, 2011 · You can't cut the top section or any section of this antenna. You adjust the match with the rings at the base. When I had one of these it seemed to have good swr from CB band thru the top of 10 meters. Never needed a tuner on either band. I have an I-max 2000 now and it is the same way.