What was the first use of the saying, "You miss 100% of the shots …
You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take. 1991 Burton W. Kanter, "AARP—Asset Accumulation, Retention and Protection," Taxes 69: 717: "Wayne Gretzky, relating the comment of one of his early coaches who, frustrated by his lack of scoring in an important game told him, 'You miss 100% of the shots you never take.'" ...
Why is "a 100% increase" the same amount as "a two-fold increase"?
Nov 15, 2012 · Addition or subtraction which also increases or decreases the original number. For example using a calculator you will get: 100 + 100 % = 200, 100 + 200 % = 300, 100 - 25 % = 75, and ect. This is used with things like tax added to the original amount, profit gained on the stock market, salary increase, and etc.
How to write numbers and percentage? - English Language
Jul 27, 2019 · [Relevant examples;] 1%[;] 45%[;] 100%. In discussions involving infrequent use of numbers you may spell out a percentage or an amount of money if you can do so in three words or fewer (five dollars, forty-five percent, two thousand dollars, sixty-eight cents). Do no combine spelled forms of numbers with symbols.
How do you say 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 in words?
Jun 23, 2015 · 100 trillion in most (non-English speaking) other places. (Practical approach: The different naming patterns for large numbers obviously can lead to misunderstandings internationally, expressing large numbers in the unambiguous format of X ×10 y may be preferrable in these cases.
differences - "X times as many as" or "X times more than" - English ...
While people agree a "50% increase" means 1.5x the original, percentages over 100 sometimes vary such that "a 300% increase" could mean 3x or 4x the original value. I suspect it's due to trying to make 3x = 300% rather than 4x = 300% despite the fact that the word increase would signal "in addition to the original 1x"
100 USD/US$ Over USD/US$ 100 - English Language Learners …
100 USD/US$ Over USD/US$ 100. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 9 months ago. Modified 5 years, 9 months ago.
Does a "tenfold increase" mean multiplying something by 10 or by …
Aug 31, 2017 · Answered at Why is "a 100% increase" the same amount as "a two-fold increase"?. in general English, terminology hereabouts can lack clarity. In science, '[linear] scale factor 4.25' is surely required for both clarity and accuracy. –
What does the expression "just keeping it a buck" mean and …
Dec 23, 2023 · A 'buck' is slang for a dollar, which has 100 cents, and the maximum of something that you can have is 100 per cent. To 'keep it a buck' is to keep 'it' (the current discussion or utterance) 100% authentic, truthful, honest, etc. Keep it a buck. To be real and to be honest. A buck refers to 100. so it literally means to keep it 100% no bs
numbers - How to say the total amount? - English Language
Apr 23, 2012 · Twenty-three thousand four hundred twenty-eight dollars and 32/100; I don't believe too many people would use the top one, though – not when they were writing out the number in longhand – although you might see the number of cents spelled out on a computer-printed check. In the case where the dollar amount is even, you might see:
How to spell out dollars and cents [duplicate]
If you're writing the amount on a check, where the word "dollars" is preprinted at the end of the line, the convention is to write "Forty-two thousand and 00/100", which is then followed by the pre-printed "dollars". If you're writing in most other contexts, the convention is to write "forty-two thousand dollars and fifty-seven cents".