Home - 211 San Diego
211 San Diego connects people with community, health and disaster services 24/7/365.
How We Can Help - 211
211 211 San Diego is a free, 24 hour confidential phone service and searchable online database
Resources - 211
2-1-1 San Diego is a resource and information hub that connects people with community, health and disaster services.
Contact Us - 211
Call 2-1-1 to speak with a live person, 24/7. All calls are free and confidential. Call 2-1-1. Dial 7-1-1 if you are hearing-impaired and ask to be connected to 2-1-1 at (858) 300-1211.
Housing & Homelessness - 211
If you are looking for housing assistance, call 2-1-1 to speak with someone who can assess your situation and housing needs. If You Are Experiencing Homelessness If you are looking for housing resources, connect with a homeless service …
Emergency Services - 211
If you or a family member has a disability, or other access and functional needs, you may need to take additional steps to protect yourself and your family in an emergency. For more information, dial 2-1-1 or search online for services. Learn More
Health & Wellness - 211
First 5 San Diego: Find resources for families with young children (the prenatal stage through five years of age) and pregnant women including family support, developmental screenings, oral health, and more. To learn more, call the First 5 warmline at 1-888-5-FIRST-5 (888-534-7785).
Who We Are - 211
2-1-1 San Diego is a resource and information hub that connects people with community, health and disaster services.
Enrollment & Public Benefits - 211
2-1-1 call me Enrollment & Public Benefits We can see if you are eligible for public benefit programs that can help you with basic needs like food, health care, housing, or financial assistance.
History - 211
211 San Diego’s history can be traced back to the 1980s when INFO LINE—a predecessor of today’s organization— was created to serve as a countywide information and referral service for people seeking help.