SKS instead of Ar-15/AK-47? - Survivalist Forum
Nov 6, 2011 · I prefer the SKS, more powerful round than the AR and longer range than the AK due to the longer barrel. If you find one with a good bore then accuracy should be good with good ammo, just like any other rifle. I look at the SKS as being a …
SKS or MINI-30 - Survivalist Forum
Sep 8, 2011 · If the laws don't prohibit you from buying an AK-47 I suggest a Saiga AK-47. More expensive than an SKS but not by much and cheaper than the Mini-30. Magazines and accessories a plenty for the AK. If law prohibits you from buying an AK then I'd personally go with the SKS. Lots of love for that firearm.
Reliability - AK-47 vs. SKS | Survivalist Forum
Jul 27, 2012 · SKS vs AK leaves a big opening between the types of platform. Both are very reliable. The main difference is that one is an intermediate cartridge carbine and the other was designed to be an assault rifle for the same cartridge. The SKS is marginally more accurate but the AK uses detatchable hi-cap mags. That's the bottom line side-by-side in ...
SkS best urban survival rifle? - Survivalist Forum
Jan 6, 2012 · Instead of all these AR vs AK threads, we need an AK vs SKS thread!:xeye:: Also let me emphasize the SKS is a FANTASTIC firearm. I own two Soviet made ones and they are GREAT rifles. Honestly, I would take an SKS over an AR:taped: , but my SGL21 (AK) will always be my MBR.:thumb:
AK47 vs SKS - Survivalist Forum
Sep 9, 2010 · The AK has the advantage over the SKS for handiness, but the AK generally is less accurate, and if left alone or modified correctly, the SKS is just as reliable as the AK. JMHO. Reactions: AK15-T and CrypticCRICKET
AK47 vs SKS | Page 4 - Survivalist Forum
May 20, 2013 · Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu Log in
SKS vs AK -- cost a factor - Survivalist Forum
Nov 4, 2012 · I have long coveted an AK47, only stipulation was that I wanted one from a reputable factory, and a wooden stock. Big factor is the cheap and available ammo. But AK prices are running away from me, and so I am learning about SKS; much less money, same cheap ammo. So tell me what the trade off...
SKS Vs. WASR10 - Survivalist Forum
May 18, 2010 · i would take an AK over a modernized SKS every time. very few of the after market high caps work well in the SKS, and other modifacations can introduce isues. the SKS is as reliabul as an AK, and accurucy will depend greatly on the condition of the weapon. all things being equal, i would expect the SKS to out shoot an AK by a little.
SKS vs AK vs AR for SHTF - Survivalist Forum
Apr 26, 2014 · Advanced Search Cancel
AK47 vs SKS | Page 3 - Survivalist Forum
Sep 9, 2010 · New to the AK and SKS and they look similar I read that some SKS can us AK mags. So what are the differences that would make one better than the other? in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site