ADVERSARIES Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ADVERSARY is one that contends with, opposes, or resists : an enemy or opponent. How to use adversary in a sentence. Did you know?
ADVERSARY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
He dealt with others, whether friends, adversaries, or subordinates, openly and without guile. From the Cambridge English Corpus The gold diggers usually arrived alone at the gold fields, …
ADVERSARY definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Your adversary is someone you are competing with, or arguing or fighting against. Elliott crossed the finish line just half a second behind his adversary. His political adversaries were creating a …
ADVERSARY Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Adversary suggests an enemy who fights determinedly, continuously, and relentlessly: a formidable adversary. Antagonist suggests one who, in hostile spirit, opposes another, often in …
Adversaries - definition of adversaries by The Free Dictionary
1. a person, group, etc., that opposes or attacks; opponent; enemy. 2. an opponent in a contest; contestant. 3. of or pertaining to an adversary. 4. involving adversaries, as plaintiff and …
Adversary - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
An adversary is an enemy or someone who opposes someone else. In tennis, you stand across the net from your adversary. Adversary is related to the word adverse, meaning "against or …
ADVERSARIES definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
ADVERSARIES definition: → See adversary | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
adversary noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage …
Definition of adversary noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. a person that somebody is opposed to and competing with in an argument or a battle synonym opponent. …
Adversaries – Definition & Meaning
Adversaries are defined as a person, group, or entity that opposes or competes against another person, group, or entity. Adversaries can be found in various contexts, such as sports, politics, …
Adversary - definition of adversary by The Free Dictionary
1. a person, group, etc., that opposes or attacks; opponent; enemy. 2. an opponent in a contest; contestant. 3. of or pertaining to an adversary. 4. involving adversaries, as plaintiff and …