AIT Kaohsiung Branch Office - American Institute in Taiwan
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About AIT Kaohsiung - American Institute in Taiwan
The Kaohsiung Branch Office of the American Institute in Taiwan represents U.S. interests in southern Taiwan and endeavors to strengthen ties between the American people and the people of southern Taiwan through an active program of public diplomacy.
U.S. Citizen Services Kaohsiung - American Institute in Taiwan
Reduced American Citizen Services at AIT Kaohsiung During November 2024 to January 2025. AIT Kaohsiung will undergo renovations from November to January 2025. We will continue to provide services, but with modifications to services and hours. Schedule your appointment at AIT Taipei if you are not able to make an appointment with us.
Schedule Your American Citizen Services Appointment at AIT
Kaohsiung Office: You should arrive at AIT no more than 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment to pass through security. Because our waiting area is limited, we cannot accommodate people whose appointment times have not arrived.
Contact Us - American Institute in Taiwan - Find how to contact an ...
AIT – Kaohsiung Branch Office. 5F, 88 Chenggong 2nd Road, Qianzhen District Kaohsiung 806618, Taiwan Phone: +886 (7) 335 5006 Fax: +886 (7) 338 0551. Service Hours: By appointment only
AIT - Kaohsiung Branch Office - American Institute in Taiwan
The Kaohsiung Branch Office of the American Institute in Taiwan represents U.S. interests in southern Taiwan and endeavors to strengthen ties between the American people and the people of southern Taiwan through an active program of public diplomacy and outreach.
美國在台協會高雄分處 - 美國在台協會
Please call: +886(0)2-2162-2000 Outside of Office Hours, contact: +886(0)2-2162-2000 Outside of Taiwan: 1-888-407-4747. Emergency Contact – All Locations Get Travel Alerts 跨國父母擅帶兒童離家 美國公民被逮捕的情況 美國公民死亡的情況 犯罪受害者 緊急金融援助 Get Travel Alerts 跨國父母擅帶兒童離家 美國公民被
Scheduling Appointments - American Institute in Taiwan
All services at AIT Taipei and AIT Kaohsiung are by appointment only. Please note that the American Institute in Taipei is a U.S. government facility with strict security procedures about who may enter and what they may bring with them.
About the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT)
The Institute also operates a Chinese language school, trade center, and library. AIT has a branch office in Kaohsiung (AIT/K) that handles local commercial promotion, consular services, information and cultural work.
Contact Us - American Institute in Taiwan
AIT - Kaohsiung Branch Office. Address: 5F, No.88, Chenggong 2nd Road, Qianzhen Dist.,Kaohsiung 80661, Taiwan (Google Maps) Tel: (+886) (07) 335-5006 Fax: (+886) (07) 338-0551 Web: Please click here