ALLOWANCE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
ALLOWANCE definition: 1. money that you are given regularly, especially to pay for a particular thing: 2. an amount of…. Learn more.
ALLOWANCE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
An allowance is money that is given to someone, usually on a regular basis, in order to help them pay for the things that they need.
Allowance - definition of allowance by The Free Dictionary
1. the act of allowing. 2. an amount or share allotted or granted: a dietary allowance of 900 calories a day. 3. a sum of money allotted for a particular purpose. 4. a sum of money allotted on a regular basis, as for personal or living expenses. 5. an additional sum allotted for specific circumstances: an allowance for depreciation.
Allowance - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
An allowance is a quantity of something that's allowed or permitted within a set of rules or for a particular purpose. This could be a weekly allowance you earn as a kid, or it could be the allowance for passengers on a flight to have two carry-on items.
ALLOWANCE Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Her allowance for the business trip was $200. a sum of money allotted or granted to a person on a regular basis, as for personal or general living expenses: The art student lived on an …
Allowance (money) - Wikipedia
An allowance is an amount of money given or allotted usually at regular intervals for a specific purpose. [1] . In the context of children, parents may provide an allowance (British English: pocket money) to their child for their miscellaneous personal spending.
Allowance Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Something allowed as a share; specif., an amount of money, food, etc. given regularly to a child, dependent, etc. or to military personnel for a specific purpose. Travel allowance. Something, such as money, given at regular intervals or for a specific purpose. A travel allowance that covers hotel bills. To put on a fixed allowance.
ALLOWANCE definition | Cambridge Essential American Dictionary
ALLOWANCE meaning: 1. an amount of something such as money that you are allowed to have every day, week, month, etc…. Learn more.
ALLOWANCE - Definition & Translations | Collins English Dictionary
An allowance is money that is given to someone, usually on a regular basis, in order to help them pay for the things that they need.
Allowance Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
ALLOWANCE meaning: 1 : an amount of money that is given to someone regularly or for a specific purpose; 2 : a small amount of money that is regularly given to children by their parents