Report a scam - Amazon Customer Service
We take fraud, scam, phishing and spoofing attempts seriously. If you receive a correspondence you think may not be from Amazon, report it immediately. To have the best advice on what actions to take, select the most appropriate link: I have not shared any information; I have shared Amazon account information; I have shared Banking information
Identifying a scam - Amazon Customer Service
If you have received suspicious communication claiming to be from Amazon and you don't have an account with us, report it at reportascam@amazon.com. For more information on the most common scam tactics, visit Scam trends. To learn more, visit Trustworthy Shopping at Amazon
Report a Security Issue - Amazon Customer Service
Recruiting Fraud. If you think you may have been contacted by a fraudulent source offering employment on behalf of Amazon, send an email to Recruiting-Fraud@amazon.com. Report a Scam. If you think you may have received a suspicious or fraudulent correspondence claiming to be from Amazon, we recommend that you report it.
Report Suspicious Activity - Amazon Customer Service
The sale of stolen property is illegal and strictly prohibited in Amazon. If you suspect that a product for sale on Amazon.com is stolen, contact Customer Service. Use one of the methods on this page and immediately file a report with your local law enforcement agency.
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Fraud Alert
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Fraud Alert at Amazon.com. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.
How to identify fake text messages/SMS - Amazon Customer Service
Scammers may send text messages claiming to be Amazon. Be mindful if: You receive a text message sent from phone numbers that you don't recognize or from a number with a country code that differs from your country of residence.
About Security Alerts - Amazon Customer Service
This will help reset your Amazon password immediately to secure your account. If you are not able to sign in to Amazon because you don’t have access to the email or mobile phone on your account anymore, use the self-service recovery instructions presented or contact Customer Service for help restoring access.
How to identify fake emails - Amazon Customer Service
Common email providers will show the Amazon smile logo icon in their inbox when Amazon is the actual sender. Visit BIMI to find out which email providers have enabled our brand logo to be displayed. Typos, grammatical errors, or links to websites that …
How to identify fake phone calls - Amazon Customer Service
If you receive a suspicious phone call from a scammer claiming to be from Amazon, be alert if they: Ask you for payment over the phone or outside of the Amazon website. Examples can be performing bank transfers, e-mailing credit card details, or sharing gift card details.
Security and Privacy - Amazon Customer Service
Learn about Amazon's security and privacy policies, including how to protect your account and report issues.