Amos’ bow users : r/Genshin_Impact - Reddit
Aug 3, 2022 · not really, it's passive is useless for non-dps bow characters. for every support, elegy is probably BIS. polar star provides a ton of crit rate while increasing skill and burst damage. aqua simulacra stacks a stupid amount of crit damage, while increasing overall damage whether the user is on field or not. skyward harp makes building a …
Is Amos still the best bow for Ganyu? : r/Ganyu - Reddit
Jun 4, 2023 · In short, Amos' Bow is the 2nd best generalist bow if you play both archetypes, but only 3rd for any specific styles. That said, there's a some variance that's hard to generalize in these calcs. For example, if your team allows you to shoot from a bigger distance instead of point blank (like in Xiangling's teams), you get more stacks from Amos ...
Ganyu weapon ranking guide (ft. Amos' Bow, Aqua Simulacra
Aug 1, 2022 · Amos' Bow - This is Ganyu's "old" BiS, which a lot of people still fixate on and think of as her "one true best bow". That's far from true these days, however, since ATK% substat weapons tend to underperform versus CRIT substat weapons, especially in team scenarios where the user is receiving lots of external ATK buffs.
Ganyu Skyward Harp vs. Amos Bow? : r/Genshin_Impact - Reddit
With harp, its good on every single bow character. Its a stat stick. But amos bow is uniquely good and competitive on ganyu. Give venti harp vs amos and and youll be hardpressed to find amos being better in any situation other than super niche almost impractical situations where you ignore the best part of venti's kit.
Do you guys think Tighnari will work with Amos bow?
Jul 20, 2022 · I know he is better with more EM but I heard he also scales with ATK so maybe Amos is still a somewhat good option, then i can try to compensate the missing EM via artifacts. Im asking because i got this weapon ages ago but I dont have Ganyu and i really want Tighnari so maybe i can finally give this bow some use (My only bow character is ...
is amos bow(c1) better than stringless(c5) : r/TighnariMains - Reddit
Feb 6, 2023 · For Tighnari specifically Amos is one of his worst 5* bow, conditionally losing to r5 slingshot if you can trigger its passive. Tighnari doesn’t scale too well with ATK, he gets some dmg from ATK but wants EM and crit stats more.
r1 rust or amos bow ? : r/Yoimiya_Mains - Reddit
I’m in this weird situation of having an R2 Amos Bow (thank you, Standard banner) and only an R1 Rust. I’m currently using an R5 Slingshot on Yoimiya, while Fischl is holding the Amos Bow (my Stringless is also only R1). As long as Bennett is on the team with Yoimiya I think it works out fine. Also made getting good crit stats a lot easier.
Amos bow or Lyney BiS? : r/lyney - Reddit
Aug 21, 2023 · depends if you want any other fontaine characters. luckily the weapon banner is really good for him, since aqua is his second best weapon. the new craftable bow is also good on him, so if you have other characters in mind that you …
Who should I use Amos Bow with : r/Genshin_Impact - Reddit
Mar 1, 2021 · Rust's passive boosts his normal attacks but the extremely high attack from Amos bow benefits his burst as well. Plus, Childe does occasionally do aimed shots so the passive isn't completely wasted on him. Skyward would be way better than him though, but …
What makes Amos bow so good? : r/Ganyu - Reddit
Dec 23, 2021 · And yes, as others mentioned, the bow's passive starts counting the very moment the arrow leaves the bow, and since the bloom has about .2 second delay between the arrow's impact and the arrow itself takes a minimum of .1 second to hit the target, the bloom will always inherit at least 3 stacks from the weapon's passive.