Amyl Nitrite - Drugs-Forum
May 22, 2010 · Amyl nitrite, also known as ' poppers ' is a short acting inhalant, causing vasodilation, accompanied by an intense rush, euphoria, and a sensation of heat and excitement. Amyl nitrite has maintained a prominent position among vasodilators used in medicine for over 100 years. In terms of recreational use, Amyl nitrite and other compounds of the alkyl nitrite …
Drug information Poppers (Amyl Nitrite) - Page 5 | Drugs-Forum
Nov 18, 2004 · Drug information Poppers (Amyl Nitrite) Discussion in ' Various drugs not covered by other forums ' started by Bodhisattva500, Nov 18, 2004.
Nitrous Oxide vs Nitrates (poppers) - Drugs-Forum
Aug 28, 2013 · -Amyl Nitrite, the original poppers, are available only be prescription, other nitrites, created to fill the demand created by Amyl Nitrite being restricted, exist in a sort of legal grey area, where they are legal as long as they are sold as something besides an inhalant. "Leather Cleaner" "Liquid Incense" and "Video Head Cleaner"
Combinations - Experiences combining Amyl Nitrite(Poppers) with …
Nov 15, 2011 · I wanted to make a post about my experiences combining Amyl nitrite (poppers) with psychedelic, dissociative and other substances and also see if anyone else has had positive (or negative) experiences with combining poppers with other substances. Amyls deliver a high lasting about 1 - 3 minutes.
Drug information Poppers (Amyl Nitrite) - Drugs-Forum
Nov 18, 2004 · Amyl nitrate has to be one of the dirtiest substances around! It's used medically to treat some heart conditions and cyanide poisoning (cyanide constricts blood flow, and amyl is a vasodilator.
Inhaling - Amyl Nitrite Via Aromatherapy Inhaler | Drugs-Forum
Dec 25, 2009 · Inhaling Amyl Nitrite Via Aromatherapy Inhaler Discussion in ' Various drugs not covered by other forums ' started by Yail Bloor, Jan 10, 2010.
Experiences Isobutyl Nitrite - Drugs-Forum
Aug 27, 2009 · It was readily available in many clubs and porn shops. My friends and I used to make litres of the stuff in their kitchen using Iso-Butanol. Normally the headache goes away after a few hits - one must just breath in between popping. I have read that Amyl Nitrite is used in treating cyanide poisoning and elevating blood pressure.
Combinations - Diethyl Ether and Amyl Nitrite | Drugs-Forum
Mar 5, 2012 · Combinations Diethyl Ether and Amyl Nitrite Discussion in ' Drug combinations ' started by trolleyd88, Mar 6, 2012.
Health - Internally circulated warning on Amyl Nitrite and various ...
Sep 20, 2013 · On the second occasion which occurred this afternoon the usage caused medical complications are presently being investigated. Amyl Nitrate/ Amyl Nitrite/ Iso-Butyl Nitrite and Iso-Propyl Nitrite are powerful veno-dilators which are marketed as “room odourizers” but are usually inhaled nasally by users.
Side effects Skin burn from 'new formula' poppers? - Drugs-Forum
Mar 26, 2009 · The poppers I have seen in his local video store list the contents as Amyl Nitrite. Are they simply mislabeled? Please note that "nitrite" is NOT the same as "nitrate". One little letter makes a lot of difference here and it would be a pity for a reader to huff diesel fuel because amyl nitrate is listed as an additive.