Map of the Atlantic Ocean, 1601. | Library of Congress
This portolan map of the Atlantic Ocean, made by Guillaume Levasseur in 1601, reflects the high level of accuracy achieved by French mapmakers of the Norman school of hydrographers, …
Map [Chart of the Atlantic Ocean, from 37° N to 42° S] Verso
Chart of the Atlantic Ocean, from 37° N to 42° S. Portugal: Mel Ferra, approximately, 1760. Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <www.loc.gov/item/2015593209/>. [Portolan atlas of …
Map of the Atlantic Ocean, 1613. | Library of Congress
This 1613 map of the Atlantic Ocean and of parts of Europe, Africa, and North and South America was made in the French port city of Havre de Grace by Pierre de Vaulx, a cartographer and …
Maps, Charts & Atlases - Hispanic Society of America
The earliest portolan chart, drawn by Jacobus de Giroldis in 1447 at Venice, typifies late medieval cartography in its delineation of the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, and the …
Chart of the Atlantic Ocean (Manuscript) - Barry Lawrence …
Antique Map Categories + Category. World. World (417) Eastern Hemisphere (23) Western Hemisphere (42) Northern Hemisphere (29) Southern Hemisphere (12) Atlantic Ocean (75) …
Early 19th-century American manuscript map of the Atlantic Ocean …
A most unusual manuscript map of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf Stream, based on a map in Bowditch’s New American Practical Navigator but with interesting additions. The map depicts …
ArchiveGrid : Portolan chart of the Atlantic Ocean
Portolan chart of the Mediterranean Sea, the North Atlantic Ocean, the Black Sea, and the West African coast as far south as Sierra Leone
fol. 41a Oval world map with the Atlantic Ocean in the center
The present manuscript, made mostly in the late eleventh century AH / seventeenth CE, is based on the later expanded version and has some 240 exquisitely executed maps and portolan …
Atlantic Ocean Archives - Boston Rare Maps
Early 19th-century American manuscript map of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf Stream A most unusual manuscript map of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf Stream, based on a map in Bowditch’s …
[Portolan chart of the Mediterranean Sea, the North Atlantic Ocean…
Feb 5, 2025 · North Atlantic Ocean--Maps--Early works to 1800. Subject (Topic) Manuscript maps --Mediterranean Region Portolanos --Europe Portolanos --Mediterranean Region