WOODLINE4-’21WSE/E LBR/OIL | Bacchus Guitars
The WOODLINE is the flagship design of the Bacchus Handmade Series electric basses, with a downsized shape tailor-made for superior playability. The controls are the standard JB-style 2Vol, 1Tone, and of course the traditional Turbo Switch.
Electric Basses | Bacchus Guitars
DEVISER CO LTD. 7072-6 Sasaga, Matsumoto Nagano, Japan; E-mail : support@deviser.co.jp; Tel : +81(0)263868808; Website : www.deviser.co.jp/en
WOODLINE4-HL24 | Bacchus Guitars
Woodline Headless: A limited time only model based on the headless Bacchus Handmade series. With Woodline’s sharp body shape and impeccable contour outline, Hipshot’s headless construction and Aguilar pickup this really is a high profile model.
WL-433 MAHO | Bacchus Guitars
An English introduction for this product is coming soon, for any immediate inquiries please contact us here.. 上位機種ハンドメイドシリーズWOODLINE DXの演奏性を継承したコストパフォーマンスモデル「WL-433」に、スポット生産としてマホガニーボディ、オイルフィニッシュモデルが登場しました。
Alune Wade | Bacchus Guitars
At just 13, the bass became his chosen instrument. Though his mother objected, wanting her son to further his academic studies rather than become a professional musician, the support and encouragement from his father inspired Alune to perfect his …
The new -Winter 2020 - One Day Guitar Show- models are here!
Nov 13, 2020 · From this year's Winter -One Day Guitar Show- special even, a new set of high-end models that are ready to show what a top of the line Handmade series Bacchus Bass is made of! Check their product pages to see all the details and listen to …
Videos | Bacchus Guitars
Bacchus Craft Series WL424DX-ASH ... Woodline 4-HL24/Fuyuzakura-MF’18
WOODLINE4AC-HL-SE’19 CW | Bacchus Guitars
We took our best-seller, the Woodline 417, and equipped it with a -Hipshot Headless Bass System B- to bring you the WOODLINE5AC-HL-SE’19 QMH. With a new body shape, maintaining the sharpness of our regular downsized WOODLINE body, and reducing the discomfort to a minimum thanks to its headless construction, giving us a magnificently balanced ...
Bacchus electric bass strings | Bacchus Guitars
4-String. BBS40・・・.040-.060-.080-.100. BBS45・・・.045-.065-.085-.105. BBS50・・・.050-.070-.090-.110 5-String. BBS45-5・・・.045-.065-.085-.105-.130
Latest models | Bacchus Guitars
Pricing Category: High-end. SURF BREAKER "SB-Ⅰ" 2018/5/3