Becklin Uth Viharin - 5etools
For 1 minute, Becklin can utter a special command or warning whenever a nonhostile creature that it can see within 30 feet of it makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can add a d4 to its roll provided it can hear and understand Becklin.
Becklin Uth Viharin - Dragonlance
Becklin Uth Viharin is a Solamnic Knight of the Order of the Crown who, in her earlier years, adventured with Ispin Greenshield and Cudgel Ironsmile. For the last decade, she has served as castellan of Thornwall Keep in Vogler.
Becklin Uth Viharin Character in Krynn - World Anvil
Jan 25, 2023 · Solamnic Knight of the Order of the Crown who has served as castellan of Thornwall Keep in Vogler. This is as much an official charge from her superiors as it is an easy retirement. She was once an adventurer with Ispin Greenshield and Cudgel Ironsmile.
An Observation: Shadow of the Dragon Queen - D&D Beyond
Feb 16, 2023 · I swapped Becklin into a man because I have a really hard time buying that women were becoming Knights of Solamnia decades before the War of the lance. I agree with your assessment, with the exception of Darrett... not that he has much consequence in the beginning, but he does sorta grow.
Becklin Uth Viharin - World Anvil
Becklin Uth Viharin is a Solamnic Knight of the Order of the Crown who, in her earlier years, adventured with Ispin Greenshield and Cudgel Ironsmile. For the last decade, she has served as castellan of Thornwall Keep.
Becklin - Characters - Kank-A
Becklin Uth Viharin is a member of the Knights of Solamnia Order of the Crown who, in her earlier years, adventured with Ispin Greenshield and Cudgel Ironsmile. For the last decade, she has served as castellan of Thornwall Keep in Vogler.
Dragonlance: Shadow of Takhisis - Play-By-Post - D&D Beyond
Feb 19, 2023 · Sir Wyman, perhaps, was confusing Uth Viharin, a woman, for another Becklin; it is, after all, a unisex name. Regardless, Calitynia has been given passage aboard a ship, the K.S.S. Crown's Conveyance, a Knights of Solamnia resupply vessel.
CG's Dragonlance: SotDQ Campaign Thread - Play-By-Post - D
Apr 10, 2023 · Welcome to the Campaign! I am Becklin Uth Viharin. I’ve heard much about you from our mutual friend, Ispin Greenshield. It grieves me to share the news that our dear friend Ispin passed away peacefully here at his home in Vogler. May …
Becklin Uth Viharin | Characters | A New Dawn in Krynn | Critical …
Friend of Ispin’s. He was the one communicating the protagonists Ispin’s funeral. Factions. Knights of Solamnia.
The Kansaldi first encounter : r/dragonlance - Reddit
Mar 17, 2023 · They drop the prisoner in front of Kansaldi Fire-Eyes on her knees. The prisoner rights herself vertically and looks directly at you. Her Knight of the Crown Solamnic armor is very familiar to you. It is Becklin Uth Viharin. She immediately shakes her head from side to side telling you “no”. 90 feet