Honey Straight From The Hive | Flow Hive
Launched in 2015, our revolutionary Flow Frame invention allows you to tap honey straight from the hive without opening it – it’s easier for the beekeeper and so much gentler on the bees. …
Flow Hive Classic | The perfect starter beehive - Flow Hive US
Perfect for beginners or experienced beekeepers, this beehive contains our patented Flow Frames, observation windows giving you insight into the fascinating world of your bees, an …
Harvest both fresh honeycomb and honey - Flow Hive US
This complete beehive combines Flow technology with traditional wooden frames in the Flow Super, giving beekeepers the opportunity to experience the ease of harvesting with Flow and …
Bee hives invented and manufactured in Australia - Flow Hive US
Harvest honey directly from the hive without disturbing the bees. Compare all our hives or choose our bee hive starter kit.
Starter Bundle - Flow Hive US
Featuring our best selling Flow Hive Classic – carefully crafted for experiencing the joy of harvesting honey directly from the hive, bundled with essential safety equipment plus a sweet …
How much does a Flow beehive cost? - Flow Hive FAQs
Jul 16, 2020 · The cost of a Flow Hive starts at $519 USD* for the Hybrid model which gives beekeepers the option to collect honeycomb in addition to delicious Flow harvested honey. …
How Flow Works - Flow Hive US
The Flow system is a whole new way of extracting honey from Langstroth-style European honeybee hives. Of course, you’ll still need to look after your bees, as the brood box stays the …
Flow Hive 2+ | The premium Flow beehive - Flow Hive US
Made from premium western red cedar, the Flow Hive 2+ is packed with innovative hive features to help you take great care of your bees. Includes: • Innovative base design • Flow Super • …
Getting Started Beekeeping - Flow Hive UK
As the Flow Hive drastically reduces the effort required for honey harvesting, you'll have more time to observe and care for your bees. It’s so much easier for the beekeeper and so much …
Flow Hive in the United States - Flow Hive US
The Flow Hive is successfully in use in all climates wherever beekeeping is possible, from the hot Texan summers to the cold Alaskan winters. Incredible tasting honey With Flow’s patented …