Bohrok - The BIONICLE Wiki
Bohrok have the ability to curl up into a ball and eject their Krana onto an opponent, making them a "host". Each Bohrok is also equipped with "hand" shields that allow them to fire their specific "cleaning" agent, be it acid, flame, or otherwise. Kaita - Bohrok also have the ability to form more powerful Bohrok Kaita.
Bohrok - BIONICLEsector01
Feb 6, 2025 · Bohrok are insectoid machines whose main purpose was to clean all matter from the island of Mata Nui (Mata Nui 's face) in preparation for him returning to an upright position.
Bohrok-Kal | The BIONICLE Wiki | Fandom
The Bohrok-Kal were a group of six elite Bohrok which were released on Mata Nui for one purpose: to free the Bahrag in the event of their being imprisoned. Their only known release was after the Toa Mata/Toa Nuva successfully trapped the Bahrag.
BrickLink Reference Catalog - Sets - Category BIONICLE / Bohrok
Page 1 of 1 (Showing 50 Items Per Page) BrickLink® is the world's largest online marketplace to buy and sell LEGO® parts, Minifigures and sets, both new or used. Search the complete LEGO catalog & create your own BrickLink store.
Bohrok-Kal - BIONICLEsector01
Nov 28, 2024 · The Bohrok-Kal were six elite Bohrok, created by the Bahrag as a failsafe. Their mission was to awaken the queens of the swarm in the event of their defeat. In the early years of the Matoran Universe, the Bohrok-Kal were created by the twin queens of the Bohrok swarms, Cahdok and Gahdok.
Bahrag - The BIONICLE Wiki
The Bahrag were the twin Bohrok Queens, Cahdok and Gahdok. They each had all the powers of the main six Bohrok breeds, plus the ability to cast illusions that seemed real and solid until one stopped believing them. The Bahrag's powers grew stronger the …
Bohrok - Brickipedia | Fandom
"If you wake one...you wake them all." The Bohrok are mysterious insectoid creatures from the BIONICLE storyline. They are prominent antagonists in the Chronicles storyline, though parts of their origin remain a mystery.
Saga Guides/The Bohrok Swarms - BIONICLEsector01
Oct 7, 2024 · In Ga-Koro, the Matoran busied themselves with repairing the land. While many Matoran labored over the Kaukau Waterfall, others harvested all the krana and put them into a massive pit. A Bohrok then thrust a boulder on top, preventing the krana from ever escaping.
LEGO Bionicle / Bohrok LEGO Sets - BrickEconomy
The Bohrok are mechanical BIONICLE insectoid creatures and prominent antagonists in the Chronicles storyline controlled by strange parasitic beings that live within their heads, known as Krana. All Bohrok share the abilities of curling up into a ball and ejecting their Krana onto an opponent, forcing them to become part of the swarm and are ...
- Reviews: 518
Lego Bionicle Bohrok Lehvak (GREEN) #8564 - amazon.com
Nothing stops the Lehvak! The Lehvak are the only Bohrok swarm designed for combat. Using their crushing shields and dissolving spray, they exist to destroy anything that lives on Mata Nui. Clever and unpredictable, stopping the Lehvak may be the Toa's greatest challenge! With their krana removed, they are still highly difficult to tame.
- Reviews: 24