Boltund | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex
Boltund's Smogon Strategy Pokedex page provides detailed information on its abilities, moves, and strategies for competitive play.
Pokémon - Boltund | Smogon Forums
Nov 19, 2019 · Boltund also has a poor offensive typing, leaving it without a secondary STAB such as Dark that it would appreciate to go with its coverage. - Limited special movepool and poor bulk makes competitive hard to use, leaving it struggling to break through electric resists, and especially ground types, as its only coverage is hyper voice.
Boltund | SV | Smogon Strategy Pokedex
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OU - Boltund | Smogon Forums
Nov 24, 2019 · Play Rough allows Boltund to revenge kill Hydreigon and 2HKO Grimmsnarl and Tyranitar while also OHKOing Kommo-o, which would otherwise use Boltund as setup fodder. Psychic Fangs is an option instead of Play Rough that hits Conkeldurr harder due to Strong Jaw while still potentially OHKOing Kommo-o after Stealth Rock damage, with the added ...
ZU - Boltund [Done] | Smogon Forums
Apr 14, 2022 · Boltund fits best on offensive teams, revenge killing foes and grabbing momentum with Volt Switch. Boltund benefits from Pokemon such as Skuntank, Rotom, and Rapidash, which help weaken Ground-types such as Rhydon and Piloswine. Switch-ins to these Ground-types are needed: Tangela, Poliwrath, and Uxie work well.
ZU [SS] Boltund [QC 1/1] [GP 1/1] - Smogon University
Sep 26, 2023 · Boltund aims to use its excellent speed Speed to revenge kill opponents foes and clean weakened teams with its Strong Jaw boosted Jaw-boosted STAB and coverage options. However, it finds itself often frequently lacking in power and is laughably easy to switch into with some of the most common Pokemon in the tier like Rhydon and Tangela ...
SS OU Choice Band Boltund Team - Smogon University
Jan 2, 2020 · Hello! I recently made an OU team that focuses on the use of a Choice Band Boltund. Boltund being fast, outspending threats like Dugtrio and Cinderace; and with Strong Jaw makes it a powerhouse. I wanted to build a team around it and here is what I got. Boltund (M) @ Choice Band Ability: Strong Jaw EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature ...
VGC (Anti) Trick Room versatility (Weezing oriented team)
Feb 10, 2020 · Both these mons serve a utility role for the team. Picking either of these for the final four adds a 100 accuracy Paralyze or Sleep. Both mons do this in very different ways though. Boltund is a fast mon with some nice damage output. Shiinotic is a slow mon with Strength Sap. Damaging both opponents at once
Challenge Boltund's (and friends) Eggscellent Adventure - Smogon …
Jan 8, 2020 · Boltund is actually not here to spam its strong spread move, Discharge, as you might expect, but rather to buff Greedent with Howl. This got a nice buff in Gen 8 where it increases all allies' attack. Boltund needs to stay alive to get off 2 Howls, which lets Greedent OHKO Alcremie with Last Resort, and then it 2HKOs Slurpuff after that.
Boltund [QC 2/2] [GP 0/1] - Smogon University
May 14, 2020 · [SET] name: All-Out Attacker move 1: Thunder Fang move 2: Fire Fang move 3: Psychic Fangs move 4: Play Rough / Crunch item: Life Orb / Choice Band ability: Strong Jaw nature: Jolly evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Boltund's blistering Speed makes it one of the fastest Pokemon in all of RU...