Royal blue / #4169e1 hex color - ColorHexa
#4169e1 color description : Bright blue. The hexadecimal color #4169e1 has RGB values of R:65, G:105, B:225 and CMYK values of C:0.71, M:0.53, Y:0, K:0.12. Its decimal value is 4286945. Below, you can see some colors close to #4169e1.
A Deep Dive Into the Color Royal Blue
Traditional royal blue is a deep, dark blue with a touch of a purple undertone. It also looks a bit like navy blue, but lighter — it’s roughly in between navy blue and what we typically call “royal blue.” Here are its color codes: Royal Blue (Traditional) Hex #002366 RGB 0, 35, 102 CMYK 100, 66, 0, 60 HSL 219.4°, 100%, 20%
Royal Blue Color Codes - The Hex, RGB and CMYK Values That …
Find hex, RGB and CMYK color values of some favorite shades of Royal Blue.
Bright Royal Blue color hex code is #131C42 - Color-Name.com
Bright Royal Blue hex code is #131C42 with RGB color values (19, 28, 66). Get palettes, patterns and wallpapers of Bright Royal Blue color from this page.
Everything about the color Royal Blue - Canva
Royal blue is an eye-catching, versatile color. Because of its bright hue, it can create too much intensity when paired with certain shades of red. Royal blue pairs nicely with orange, which is its complementary color on the color wheel. The colors that pair well with royal blue include: Looking for a different hue?
Royal Blue Color: Hex Code, Palettes & Meaning | Figma
Royal blue is a deep, vibrant shade between blue and violet on the color wheel. This rich color combines sophistication with a hint of purple undertone, projecting elegance and depth. What does royal blue look like on digital screens?
Royal Blue Color - Hex, RGB, CMYK, Pantone - U.S. Brand Colors
Royal blue is a deep shade of blue characterized by its vividness and slight brightness. According to W3C, the royal blue hex color code is #4169E1. The table below displays the Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes for the color royal blue.
The 25 Best Shades of Royal Blue (+ HEX Codes) - piktochart.com
Oct 18, 2024 · Royal blue is a timeless and versatile color that exudes elegance and sophistication. Its rich, deep hue has been a favorite in fashion, design, and art for centuries. From regal attire to modern branding, royal blue shades offer a …
What Pantone color is royal blue? - Color With Leo
Royal blue is a classic and elegant shade that has been associated with royalty for centuries. But what exactly is the Pantone number for this regal color? Here is a closer look at the history and technical specifications of royal blue. Royal blue got its name because it was used frequently by British royalty starting in the 18th century.
Royal Blue Color: HEX Code, Meaning And History
Learn the Basics About the Royal Blue Color. From HEX & RGB Codes, Symbolic Power, and History to How Royal Blue Can Enhance the Visual Appeal of Your Images.
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