Chp swat? - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums
Chp swat? 02-02-2022, 05:21 PM. I know that the Capitol Protection Section has a SWAT team (for obvious ...
Chp Swat - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums @ Officer.com
Jul 15, 2007 · How long do you have to be a CHP officer before you can apply for SWAT? Will they let you work K-9 and SWAT at the same time? Last edited by SoCal_Marine ; 10-27-2008, 03:47 PM .
CHP: full service or traffic? - Police Forums & Law Enforcement …
Jan 14, 2008 · While CHP maintains an investigative unit, its main focus is on auto theft. CHP does participate in joint task forces involving narcotics, terrorism, etc, but the number of officers assigned is minimal. CHP has K9 units throughout the state. They also maintain a Mounted Unit, Bomb Squad and Swat Team at the State Capitol in Sacramento.
Cheat sheets? - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums
Nov 6, 2014 · Great idea! I encourage my trainees to beg, barrow and steal anything they want from me. I would encourage you to ask to make copies of anything you see from another officer you could use. The CHP makes a great book called a redi-ref, and its has cheat sheets for drugs, narrative for crashes, and other things.
CA agencies with take home cars - Police Forums & Law …
Mar 4, 2006 · could NEVEr understand the fascination with "Take home cars" unless they are a "perk" for low wage paying Depts or unless you are in a specialized unit thats needed on call(k-9s ,bomb squad,homicide/major crimes dets,SWAT/SRT)-maybe its cool when you live in tranquil rural or tawny suburban areas- but large cities-its like advertising to every neighborhood butthole- "thats the cops house"(and ...
California Highway Patrol - Police Forums & Law ... - Officer.com
Jul 18, 2007 · The CHP are the most knowledgable about everything regarding the Bible of Probable Cause (aka The CA Vehicle Code). They are a great resource in that sense. I hate the idea of losing 2 or 3 potential ghetto gunslingers to the Traffic Gurus, though. No offense CHPSGT Consider carefully your career options regarding the CHP v. PD/SO.
CHP List of on-duty approved firearms? - Officer.com
May 9, 2011 · CHP List of on-duty approved firearms? 05-08-2011, 02:34 PM. I know the standard issued duty weapon for ...
Sheriff's Dept vs. Police dept - Police Forums & Law Enforcement …
CHP Ride-Along/Hayward: 10/24/09. Local PD Ride-Along: 11/2/09 PAT: 11/7/09-Passed ... auto theft, vice ...
SWAT Pin - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums
Aug 22, 2007 · Thanks for the emblems, guys. I'm making business cards for some of the guys at our department (ours doesn't issue them, unfortunately) at a low cost, and one of the sergeant's requested our star and the SWAT pin be included on his, so I was looking everywhere trying to find one at a good resolution. I certainly appreciate your help.
Police beards - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums
Feb 4, 2024 · The NYPD is going “old school” when it comes to the facial hair and uniforms of police officers, according to a new video obtained by The Post.