Free and engaging presentation templates to customize | Canva
Make it simple and hassle-free with a collection of well-designed and easy-to-use presentation templates from Canva. To captivate your target audience, you need the proper presentation template design that suits your subject.
Online PPT Maker - Free PowerPoint Alternative | Canva
Compared to PowerPoint, Canva allows for more sophisticated designs without being tricky to use. The ready-made templates, the wide selection of fonts, and the handy drag-and-drop tool make Canva quicker to learn so you can get your presentation up and running faster.
Microsoft Powerpoint - Canva Apps
Present with Microsoft PowerPoint. Bring Canva's brilliant presentation templates into PowerPoint by publishing your design as a PowerPoint presentation.
Mẫu Powerpoint Đẹp & Chuyên Nghiệp Miễn Phí - Canva
Khám phá kho mẫu Powerpoint hiện đại, đa dạng phong cách tại Canva. Dễ dàng tùy chỉnh với công cụ thiết kế miễn phí. Tạo bài thuyết trình ấn tượng ngay!
Crea presentaciones personalizadas con Canva
Edita diapositivas y presenta fácilmente desde cualquier parte del mundo utilizando el software de presentación de Canva, en cualquier navegador o dispositivo móvil. Los cursores de colores te permiten saber dónde están trabajando tus colaboradores en tiempo real.
Presentations and slides for any occasion - Canva
Easily edit slides and present from anywhere in the world using Canva’s presentation software, on any browser or mobile device. Colorful cursors let you know where you collaborators are working in real time.
How to save your Canva presentation as a Powerpoint
In this tutorial, you will learn how to save your Canva presentation as a PowerPoint presentation in a few simple steps.
Crea PowerPoint online gratis in pochi minuti | Canva
Fare una presentazione senza PowerPoint è facile. Utilizza qualsiasi programma o strumento che ti permetta di creare, modificare e organizzare diapositive. Canva è l'alternativa perfetta a PowerPoint ed è utilizzabile gratuitamente sia online che come app per fare PPT gratis in …
Online PPT Maker - Gratis PowerPoint alternatief | Canva
Er zijn veel gratis alternatieven voor PowerPoint, waaronder Canva, Prezi, Schuiven Bean, Google Presentaties, Zoho Show, Haiku Deck, LibreOffice, SlideDog, WPS Office, Keynote, Microsoft Sway, Visme Basic, Renderforest en Calligra Stage.
Présentations & diaporamas : + de 9000 modèles gratuits | Canva
Chez Canva, notre objectif est de vous faciliter la tâche grâce à notre collection de modèles de présentations simples d‘utilisation et au design soigné. Pour séduire votre audience, il vous faut choisir le modèle de présentation idéal pour votre sujet.