Carpentaria acuminata - Palmpedia - Palm Grower's Guide
Grows in canopy or subcanopy of rainforest, Allosyncarpia forest, vine forest and swamp forest on sandy to heavy clay loam soils. Solitary palm, 9-30 m tall, 15-20 cm diam. breast high, grey to …
Carpentaria - Wikipedia
Carpentaria acuminata (carpentaria palm), the sole species in the genus Carpentaria, is a palm native to tropical coastal regions in the north of Northern Territory, Australia. It is a slender …
How to Grow the Carpentaria Palm Tree (Carpentaria acuminata)
Carpentaria acuminata is a fast-growing palm that can attain heights of 20-30 feet and spread 5-10 feet wide. It thrives in full sun or partial shade but exhibits limited cold hardiness, tolerating …
Carpentaria Palm - Carpentaria acuminata - Shrubz.us
Nov 3, 2023 · Carpentaria (Carpentaria acuminata), is one of the most remarkable and stunning palm species found in the tropical regions of northern Australia. It is native to tropical Australia, …
Carpentaria acuminata - Palms For California - PalmPedia
This northern eastern Australian palm is fairly well known about the tropics as very fast landscape palm with a prominently ringed, relatively thin trunk, a somewhat sparse crown of very …
ENH276/ST117: Carpentaria acuminata: Carpentaria Palm - EDIS
Scientific name: Carpentaria acuminata. Pronunciation: kar-pen-TAIR-ee-uh ack-yoo-min-NAY-tuh. Common name (s): Carpentaria palm. Family: Arecaceae. USDA hardiness zones: 10B …
Scientific name: Carpentaria acuminata Pronunciation: kar-pen-TAIR-ee-uh ack-yoo-min-NAY-tuh Common name(s): Carpentaria Palm Family: Arecaceae USDA hardiness zones: 10B through …
NParks | Carpentaria acuminata
Elegant, tall and feathery, it has distinctive plant features like slender grey trunk, green crown shaft along with a graceful dark green crown formed by its arching fronds, and is naturally …
Carpentaria acuminata - LLIFLE
May 22, 2012 · Read More... Cultivation and Propagation: Carpentaria acuminata is an attractive and relatively common avenue and landscape palm in the tropics that likes warm, sheltered, …
Carpentaria - Carpentaria acuminata - Jardineiro.net
Nov 3, 2023 · Esta majestosa palmeira é amplamente valorizada por sua beleza, rápido crescimento e resistência a uma variedade de condições ambientais. A Carpentaria …