8. Details of the children for whom CEA/Hostel Subsidy claimed: Sl. No. Sequence Name DOB Age 1. 1st Child 2. 2nd Child 9. Name of School/Residential School and Class in which children studied: 1st Child 2nd Child 10. Distance of Hostel of child from residence of employee ( in case Hostel Subsidy is claimed)_____. 11.
10. Amount of CEA / Hostel Subsidy already received up to previous quarter: 11. The Academic year for which CEA / Hostel Subsidy is applied now: __ _ 12. (a)Whether the child for whom the CEA is applied for is a disabled child: Yes / No (b) If yes, indicate the nature of disability: (c) Date of disability certificate:
CEA reimbursement form 7th CPC | Child Education Allowance ...
Apr 10, 2021 · Central Government employees are now eligible to apply for CEA claim for their wards for the academic year 2020-2021 from 01.04.2021. The following are the guidelines to apply for reimbursement of the 7th CPC Children education allowance for …
Annexure 'A' PROFORMA FORRE-IMBURSEMENT OFCHILDREN EDUCATION ALLOWANCE/HOSTEL SUBSIDY IN TERMS OFRBENo. 147/2017 CLAIM FOR THEFINANCIAL YEAR:-Ihereby applyfor the reimbursement of Children EducationAllowance for my child/children
CEA: CERTIFICATE FORM THE HEAD OF INSTITUTION/SCHOL Authority vide Government of India Ministry of Personal P.G. and Department of Personal & Training New Delhi Order No.A-27102(02)2017 Estt. (AI.) 16 August 2017. Certificate from the Head of Institution/School (For Re-imbursement CEA) Ref. No. …………………………
(a) Whether the child for whom the CEA is applied for is a disabled child: YES I NO (b) If yes, kindly enclose the disability certificate. : t:. · For CEA: ' ~ ··.· Whether the certificate confirming that the child studied in the school during previous academic year ; _.~ . from Head of Institution has been attached: Yes I No . i ?~(
REIMBURSEMENT OF CHILDREN EDUCATION ALLOWANCE {Ref: DoPT OM No. 12011/03/2008 (Allowance) Dated 02/09/2008} 1. Certified that the children/child mentioned below in respect of whom re-imbursement of Children Education Allowance claimed is wholly
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