Changing the row height of a DataGridView - Stack Overflow
Jul 30, 2010 · You can set the row height by code: dataGridView.RowTemplate.Height = 35; Or in the property panel: Note the + sign to the left of the Row Template section name. You need to open it to see the Height field. By default it is closed.
formatting - My Excel row is locked at height of 409.5 and I want …
Feb 10, 2014 · Select cell of top row, and cell of bottom row. Click arrow next to the Merge & Center button in the Alignment section of the Home tab on the ribbon. Click Merge Cells. You can repeat this process multiple times if two cells worth of height isn't enough. Note that Merge & Centre isn't available for a table, only a standard worksheet.
python - Openpyxl auto-height row - Stack Overflow
Jun 18, 2016 · You can easily do the following steps to auto-height Excel row with openpyxl. For cell by which you want to auto-height by its content (or for each of cells in the row): cell.alignment = Alignment(wrap_text=True) Then for your row: worksheet.row_dimensions[row_num].height = …
java - Auto size height for rows in Apache POI - Stack Overflow
Oct 2, 2013 · There is an autoSizeRow(int rowIndex) method half way down. It basically iterates down the row and for each cell finds the number of lines of text, then uses the font size to calculate the optimal cell height. It then sets the row height to the height of the tallest cell.
ios - Using Auto Layout in UITableView for dynamic cell layouts ...
Sep 11, 2013 · If the cell height is dynamic by the content, you should precisely count it out and then return the height value before the cell is rendered. An easy way is to define the counting method in the table view cell code for controller to call at the table cell height delegate method.
php - FPDF height of a MultiCell Element - Stack Overflow
I had the exact same problem; I use FPDF to generate invoices and there are four cells per row with first cell being a MultiCell with varying height (default height is 5, but if order name is too long it adds another line to a total height of 10, and so on).
Python Docx Table row height - Stack Overflow
Nov 8, 2018 · Some additional information: The answer here is correct, but this will give a minimum row height. Using WD_ROW_HEIGHT_RULE.EXACTLY will fix the cell height to the set row height ignoring the contents of the cell, this can result in cropping of the text in an undesirable way. para = table.cell(0,0).add_paragrph('some text')
c# - How Can I Change Height in ViewCell - Stack Overflow
Jun 7, 2015 · Height / Weight properties are mostly read-only in Xamarin.You can't set size of ViewCell. However , you can change your StackLayout's HeightRequest property to achieve what you want. Share
Set cell height in PDF table created with itextsharp
May 10, 2016 · I used a following code to create a table in my itextsharp PDF document: foreach (var subComp in competency.SubCompetensies) { cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(0, subComp.DescriptionMin, _nfDesc...
uitableview - Swift: How to reload row height in UITableViewCell ...
May 24, 2016 · You can use the view height constraint in the cell, by updating the view in cell height you can update the specific cell height. let height = cell.Height_constraint.constant cell.Height_constraint.constant = height + 200 //200 you can use any number Height_constraint: is the height constraint of subView in my cell.