People who never went to their class reunions, why?
Aug 23, 2023 · But one of my friends decided to go to a class reunion few years back. He said it was amazing (or scary, if you will) how quickly old group dynamics re-emerged, even 30-plus …
High School Reunion Taxable? : r/tax - Reddit
In 2013, I organized my classes high school reunion and collected nearly $8k in payments through personal checks and PayPal. The following year, I received notice that I was being audited …
I don't go to class reunions : r/CasualConversation - Reddit
I think finally I'd be willing to go to a class reunion if we have another, assuming one of my good friends also goes so I have backup. I've been out of school for like 15 years now, I think it's …
People who attended their high school reunion, what was the
COVID kept us from having a 20th reunion so we just had a 22nd reunion a couple of weeks ago. A girl who went from practically being the stereotype for dumb blondes was a teacher at our …
Manage funds for class reunion - EIN/bank account?
Sep 25, 2023 · I am helping organize a class reunion and we are looking for the best way to collect/manage funds for the reunion. From what I read online, it seems like obtaining a non …
What was your 10 year high school reunion like? : …
Oct 16, 2022 · Eventually, it devolved into memes about stuff that happened in the late 2000s, and then nothing at all. I remember the class president said in a post that she was too busy to …
What are your worst High School reunion stories? : r/AskReddit
Went to my 10 year reunion 8 years ago. Shit, that long. My fellows nerds who had been away from the town gaining a world view gathered on the outskirts of the venue, the educationally …
How do I collect money for my graduating class event without
I was asked to coordinate the details for my class's 30 year high school reunion. I fronted the deposit ($500) for a private space because I was (and still) certain of the participation. …
Are high school reunions a dying trend? Anyone else heard from …
Dec 30, 2023 · Maybe but I was walking in a park a couple of years back when I saw a large banner/sign that read high school reunion class of 1966. Seemed like a large loud group, …
Are class reunions a thing of the past? : r/Zillennials - Reddit
Jan 19, 2022 · My class graduated ‘11 (I dropped out start of that year), I had a HS reunion end of last year. Didn’t expect to be invited, but I think the only person that didn’t get invited was one …