Do you think dried kelp blocks worth it as a fuel? : r/Minecraft
One dried kelp block (9 dried kelp) smelts 20 items. So if the first 9 smelted are kelp to make the next block then you can smelt 11 other things for every 9 kelp you collect. You'd need 52.3 …
How to calculate how much kelp to plant for a kelp farm to be
Nov 14, 2020 · The point being that a kelp block can smelt 20 items, taking 200 seconds. So if you just want to replace your kelp block when it runs out you only need to smelt 9 items. But if …
Since kelp is great fuel, I created an automatic kelp farm using ...
Jul 26, 2018 · 1 kelp block takes 9 smelts to make, and can smelt 20 items, resulting in a net gain of 11 smelts. 1 kelp block + 90 seconds = 11 smelts 1 kelp + 10 seconds = 1.22 smelts So, it …
A Survivalist Guide to using kelp Blocks as a fuel source
Feb 23, 2018 · Now if you invest 2 coal and start smelting kelp. you will always gain a net profit of burn time, just keep crafting the dried kelp into blocks and use it as a fuel source. I semi …
Dried kelp block question : r/Minecraft - Reddit
Nov 15, 2019 · That kelp automatically funnels into a smoker that puts the dried kelp into a chest, which I then craft into blocks and put back into the smoker to make a 0 cost dried kelp system. …
Kelp is a very low efficiency smelting material : r/Minecraft - Reddit
Feb 16, 2018 · It takes 90 seconds of fuel to smelt the 9 dried kelp needed to make a dried kelp block worth 200 seconds of fuel for a gain of 110 seconds, or 12.2 seconds of fuel per kelp It …
Kelp vs Coal. : r/Minecraft - Reddit
Jun 18, 2019 · So with the addition of kelp in 1.13. I was wondering. Is it more efficient to cook kelp to make into dried blocks using coal to create said blocks. Or should I just stick to the …
[Create] Dried Kelp Block Farm : r/feedthebeast - Reddit
Jan 2, 2022 · Create has a feature called Ponder, you mouse over a Create block in your inventory and hold W it will show you some helpful animated tutorials. It is a great mod if you …
CRAFTER | How to Make Self-Sufficient Dried Kelp Block Farm in
Oct 21, 2023 · Upvote this comment if this is a good quality post that fits the purpose of r/Minecraft. Downvote this comment if this post is poor quality or does not fit the purpose of …
Kelp vs Wood : r/CreateMod - Reddit
Jan 28, 2022 · It's worth noting that if you have Upgrade Aquatic installed, your return on investment here is massively boosted, because it gives you the ability to craft the raw Kelp into …