Rit dye for coloring epoxy? - BladeForums.com
Aug 2, 2010 · It will leave granules of the powder in your epoxy most likely. I've tried the powder and the liquid neither worked very well. On my test blobs on a piece of paper the liquid definitely cause a softening of the cured epoxy. You're better off buying the actual powdered epoxy dye. I've been using fairly successfully the paint tint from Hardware Hank.
Epoxy for scales - BladeForums.com
Oct 3, 2000 · My question is about the best way to use epoxy with my handle scales. I use two-part epoxy, I get it as close to a 1:1 mixture as possible, and I mix it thoroughly. I coat the scales completely with the epoxy and clamp the scales to the tang. I always have epoxy oozing out the sides, expecting that I've fully secured the scales.
Adding color to epoxy - BladeForums.com
Nov 24, 2016 · In use the K&G epoxy dyes. They are formulated to mix with epoxy. A tiny amount will dye a batch of epoxy. It will not affect the hardening time or hardness. I advise against adding powdered things that are non-soluable in epoxy. They will color the epoxy by being suspended in it, but won't actually dye the epoxy.
Coloring epoxy? - BladeForums.com
Mar 10, 2000 · When using things like enamel paint to color epoxy, realize that it will affect the strength and curing of the epoxy a bit. With small amounts added, it won't be enough to matter, but it is best to use epoxy COLORANTS or DYES instead of a paint. Things like chalk will work, but are also fillers, adding viscosity, but lowering strength.
How to dye G10 scales? - BladeForums.com
Jul 6, 2009 · 3) Grab some liquid RIT dye in your desired color. 4) Use the whole bottle and a bout a quart of water in a stainless steel pan. (stainless is important! You'll discover why later) 5) Bring the dye to a low simmer (no need to boil it vigorously) and drop the scales in. 6) Walk away for about 15 minutes, come back and recheck.
Dying epoxy - BladeForums.com
Oct 5, 2015 · The resulting glob looked disgusting, to say the least, and really was not mixing very well. Since I also have some West Systems 105/206 and some oil based leather dye, I decided to try an experiment. I added both types of stain/dye to both types of epoxy resulting in 4 test samples. After about 18 hours of cure time, initial results were:
Where to get Epoxy Dye? - BladeForums.com
Jul 13, 2009 · Does anyone know where to get Dye to color epoxy to make it red, blue, green, etc etc? Has anyone tried this to color cord or use it in to fill in gaps...
Corby bolts question? - BladeForums.com
Dec 4, 2013 · The liquid epoxy dye will dry up long before you use it. Get the powder stuff Stacy mentioned. And adding a powder pigment to an epoxy will not weaken it, it may actually strengthen it a bit as solids suspended in a glue provide strong points for glue molecules to lock onto. Sounds weird, but it actually works.
K&G epoxy pigment dye - BladeForums.com
Jun 21, 2016 · Hello, I'm still very new to knife making and I can't seem to find the K&G epoxy dye everyone is talking about.
Epoxy for Making Micarta - BladeForums.com
Jan 13, 1999 · westinghouse uses phenolic resin....under pressure and heat....the hard part is going to be getting the layers even in your hand layup (believe me i made surfboards for almost 25 years....) use some kind of thin epoxy...like the west system for boats... and the slower it goes off the stronger it is..but with your situation a 12 hour cure might prove to be a bummer...to say …