What does per second per second mean? - Physics Forums
Sep 11, 2010 · If the object accelerates from zero at 32 feet per second, every second (32 ft/sec^2) for 3 seconds, it will be at 96 feet per second in speed but will only have traveled half the distance that it would if it was at that speed from the beginning. That's because the average speed during that time is 48 ft/sec. 48 feet times 3 is 144 feet.
Rate of change of the area of the rebgion - Physics Forums
Nov 10, 2012 · A board 5 feet long slides down a wall. at the instant the bottom end is 4 feet from the wall, the other end is moving down the wall the rate of 2 feet per second.at that moment how fast is the area of the region between the board, the ground and the wall changing? Homework Equations a=1/2bh The Attempt at a Solution x^2 + 4^2= 5^2 x=3
A shot fired from gun, elevation to hit a target 3000 feet away
Feb 14, 2016 · A shot fired from a gun with a muzzle speed of 1200 feet per second is to hit a target 3000 feet away. Determine the minimum angle of elevation of the gun. Work and answerYour mistake occurs because you wrote +16t^2 rather than -16t^2 r(t) = (Vocosθ)ti + ((Vosinθ)t-16t^2)j ( vector valued function)
(Easy) Calculus problem dealing with a runner - Physics Forums
Sep 30, 2008 · The resulting puddle of water is circular and the radius r of the puddle is given by the equation r = 5t feet, where t represents time in seconds elapsed since the main broke. When the main broke, A runner was 6 miles east and 5000 feet north of the intersection. The runner is due west at 17 feet per second. When will the runner's feet get wet?
Projectile Motion Trig Problem - Physics Forums
Feb 21, 2011 · I found one of the answers to the problem, and I took a peak, but couldn't find out how the book got the second answer. Problem-A batted baseball leaves the bat at an angle of θ with the horizontal and an initial velocity of v 0 =100 feet per second. The ball is caught by an outfielder 300 feet from home plate.
What is the concept of per second per second? Like acceleration?
Feb 22, 2012 · My brother tells a funny story about how when he first saw the phrase 10 meters per second per second he thought it was a typo. I've found it helps some people to understand if you use different words. So an acceleration of 10 meters per second^2 means you velocity changes by 10 meters per second each second. Or think of an acceleration of (5 ...
Free Fall Calculation: Accurate Distance in Seconds - Physics Forums
Oct 15, 2007 · I know that, in a vacuum at least, an object will fall 32 feet during the first second; during the second second it'll fall 64 feet -- a total of 96 feet after only two seconds of free falling. The problem is that I need to know exactly how far an object has fallen at precise fractions of a second which is difficult to figure out unless someone ...
Rate of Change of the Angle of Elevation - Physics Forums
Nov 16, 2008 · A balloon rises at the fate of 8 feet per second from a point on the ground 60 ft. from an observer. Find the rate of change of the angle of elevation when the balloon is 25 feet above the ground I converted 8 ft/s to 2.44 m/s 2 to make it easier. I also figured the angle of elevation when the balloon was at 25 feet is around 22.6 degrees.
Parametric Equations Word Problem - Physics Forums
Jul 20, 2010 · Consider a projectile launched at a height of h feet above the ground at an angle θ with the horizontal. If the initial velocity is v 0 feet per second, the path of the projectile is modled by the parametric equations x=(v 0 cos θ)t and y=h + (v 0 sin θ)t-16t 2. The center-field fence in a ballpark is 10 feet high and 400 feet from home plate.
Most likely an easy Integration problem - Physics Forums
Mar 3, 2005 · However, I am stuck on this problem Let v(t) be the velocity, in feet per second, of a skydiver at time t seconds, t>=0. After her parachute opens, her velocity satisfies the differential equation dv/dt = -2v -32, with initial condition v(0) = -50. A) Find an expression for v in terms of...